On January 20, 2014, Ringo Starr was honored by the David Lynch Foundation with Lifetime of Peace and Love Award for his pioneering work in promoting Transcendental Meditation. The event was celebrated with a tribute concert which featured selected artists and performers. Those who missed the once-in-a-lifetime event can now enjoy the evening’s musical program listening to the tribute album released on 4th of December, 2015.

Ever since becoming a household name as The Beatles drummer, Ringo Starr has committed himself tirelessly to spreading peace and love throughout the world.
Featured on the album are The Beatles’/Ringo Starr hits performed by The Head and the Heart; Ben Folds; Ark Life, and Ringo Starr himself.
All the proceeds from selling Ringo Starr: The Lifetime of Peace and Love Tribute Concert (Communion Records) will go to benefit the David Lynch Foundation, an organization which helps to bring Transcendental Meditation to at-risk populations all over the world.
In a recent article published in Rolling Stone magazine, Ringo Starr and the legendary film-maker David Lynch talked about The Beatles and meditation.
Commenting on his own practice of Transcendental Meditation, Starr said:
“When you reach any depth, it is unbelievable. You only know when you come out that you’ve actually gone somewhere else. […]
“Maharishi had this great thing about how close we are together, all living things. And everything living will support you as long as you’re doing something for good. And I love those principles. My dream is one day at noon on my birthday, when I go ‘peace and love,’ that the whole world will do it, and that will be a beautiful time.”
The album Ringo Starr: The Lifetime of Peace & Love Tribute Concert is available on iTunes now.
Source: Rolling Stone
This article originally appeared on TM Home at: www.tmhome.com
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